Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Do you like to be surprised? Is a surprise something that you think is thrilling, or something that is unexpected, out of no where, and something that throws you for a loop?

I talked to my mother in New Hampshire yesterday and she told me that they got 22 inches of snow over the weekend - in October! She was telling me how it was kind of fun to have something so unexpected happen. Both of my parents are in their 80's, and you wouldn't think that a pile of snow would be fun! When I was watching the news here in the Boston area about people clearing their driveways of 4 inches of snow, you would have thought that their world was coming to an end.

My parents both taught me a long time ago that life will always have surprises - good and bad. As a family we lived though many ups and downs together, but now these many years later we can look back on it and be thankful. I can be thankful because I know that all those ups and downs were a gift that was given to me, to all of us, to prepare us for lives that will never be without surprises.

Too often we try to homogenize our lives and make them as predicable as possible. We have calendars and iPhones to keep us scheduled and on track. We fill up our days with commitments and responsibilities that carry us on a path that never curves, with nothing to trip on or step over.

If God meant us to be so boring and linear, then why did He put so many wonderful distractions around us? The changing of the seasons. The snow storms in the middle of the fall. The stars in the sky. All there to keep us in this world as a part of our surroundings and a part of each other.

So, when you are surprised and shocked out of where you are and what you are doing, take it all in. Look around and see what's there and understand how much joy can be right in front of you that you wouldn't have seen without being shaken out of your inner world. Be thankful for those unplanned events in your life. They are all there to make your life more meaningful and to bring you closer to what's around you.

Surprise! What did you see?

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