Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Cold Outside, Warm Inside

If you are a gentle caring person, you may have felt the world closing in on you lately. There is a lot of anger among us and it’s not just the product of the hateful actions of a very few radicals. It also exists in the hearts of people who are aggressive on the highways and in television shows that the entertainment industry creates. It is in the actions of a few greedy corporate executives and it the hateful exchanges of politicians. 

For those of us who are highly intuitive and are dialed into people’s feelings, our “radar” is going crazy as we receive these jagged, nasty messages. We feel like we have no place in a society that seems to worship negativity and discord. Nothing could be further from the truth. We need to remember that in peace there is power. I think of the example of Jesus, forever peaceful, made for all of us. In His own sacrifice he saved us. So often, we forget that we peaceful people can have tremendous influence. We just need to rise above the negativity and exert the strength of our peace.

One of the most peaceful experiences that I have had, in addition to prayer, is the healing practice of transcendental meditation (TM). I was trained in TM in the 70s and have done it (or I should say have tried to do it!) since then. But, it was only recently that I began to understand the power of mass meditation or prayer in defeating regional conflicts.

There is a great article in the online magazine, Positive News from the UK (http://positivenews.org.uk/2011/wellbeing/spirit/4065/could-the-military-use-meditation-to-create-peace/ ) that presents examples of the healing influence that thousands of meditators had on an area, and how there is a consideration for the military to use these same techniques. It supports the notion of using TM to “calm international tensions and make every nation free from enemies”. Wouldn't that be amazing!

This is no time to think that you can’t change things. Sure, you can isolate yourselves by turning off the TV and not going online, but all that does is make one less person to take a stand. In our culture, it seems that the loud, negative people get heard. But, instead of being loud and crude, be loud and gentle! Flex your peaceful muscles and pray or meditate together. Show our children who God really made us to be.

Don’t be discouraged. This is a time when peaceful people need to stand together and stand strong. We need to be a massive power of good to diffuse the evil that is trying to rise around us. Speak out in peace. Practice kindness. Pray together. Sing together. Reclaim the warmth in the world!

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